Monthly Archives: July 2011

We are running!

Actually, Nathan is running. I’ll probably serve our cause better from the sidelines.

On Saturday, Nov. 19, Nathan will be running the half marathon here in High Point as part of the annual North Carolina Marathon.

He originally hoped to run the marathon with Gwendolyn Strong’s team in Santa Barbara on Nov. 12, but California is a long way, and so is a full marathon.

So we’re excited to be forming a team for Callie, in partnership with the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, to help raise money for SMA research.

About five people have already expressed interest in running the 5K with our team.

If you’re interested in joining Callie’s team, contact us at There’s an option for a marathon (26.2 miles), half-marathon (13.1 miles) and 5K (3.1 miles). Take your pick.

You can register for the race all the way up to a week before the race. For more information about the marathon itself you can go to

We will end SMA — one day, one person, one mile, one step at a time.